I'll be a few days "off the grid", and that it is not very stopped, I decided to dust off some old stories and plan their subsequent publication. I hope not to take too long to return to the routine, so long dismissed as accurate and longing. Meanwhile, I hope that these stories do not be bored too.
Have you ever been in bed and started to leak any tap, making noise a blind or have you noticed a light burning forgot? The immediate impulse is to get up to fix the problem but is that always a wise decision?

A drop. Another drop. Another. Ana stretched the sheet as he could to go beyond your ear. What time was it? She fell asleep just lying, but something had awakened. Germain had not yet arrived. Another drop. That shower's go crazy any day. Why exactly dripping insisted night that her husband took to return from his shift? Every drop of water slammed into the bottom of the tub on her head sounded like someone pulling the wall with a large hammer. Could rise to close the tap. Would make sense. But I was so scared.
always had happened, as a child, and since then his father told him that those horror films were going to eat the head. Germain also laughed at her for that reason. "What you see if after you hold no fear?" But could help it, he loved. And every time the damn shower began to leak, she saw the scene with clarity: the young half naked go to pull the tap, unaware that a psychopath defaced with a rusty butcher knife looks close ... Well, that metiesen with it whatever they wanted, he never expected to rise.
Another drop. Another
comes a time in which his anxiety made him imagine that the psycho out of his hiding place and headed down the aisle, slowly, slowly, toward the bedroom. What was that? Have you heard a noise, a door perhaps? Another drop again, and saw in his mind a large figure, somewhat stooped, dragging one leg as he walked. Passed by the bathroom door y. .. Are not leaking shower? Suddenly he stopped. I was so immersed in their fears had not been aware of ... No, again. It was only an illusion. Left to drip for a while, just in time to ... that this be deflected pass along your imagination to the bathroom.
backs to the door, Ana pulled the sheet further, as if thereby establish an insurmountable barrier to the creation of his mind. And yet you did not hear anything? Anything beyond the drops in the shower and the ticking of the clock the room, something beyond imperturbable silence of the night? A shiver ran down his back. I hated that feeling, so common it yet. It was like bathing in a beach where they would not touch the bottom. It was the fear of what lurked in the shadows, beyond the gap. Would it have already entered the bedroom? Perhaps it was watching ... Well, enough! Anne gave a slap on the bed to strengthen his sudden outbreak of value. Or she would or would not be able to sleep all night. "Let's go for that shower!" Finally exclaimed while sitting up in bed.
First was the smell of putrefaction, and moments later the hot breath landfall in his neck. He turned instinctively to find its origin and came upon a heap of flesh, skin and nails of metal, perhaps once was a face. Barely had time to be horrified before a dirty and rusty machete across his stomach. With an almost animal roar, the figure in the shadows drew the weapon from the body of Ana with the ease with which they had gutted a rag doll. In his last breath, the girl came to see a large yellow eyes and smiling. Was he smiling? The machete sailed the dark before removing the head of Anne of your body with a blunt blow.
Silence took over the night. Only survived the rotten breath executioner and the slight friction against the dying flesh. Shortly thereafter, the backlit silhouette moved down the hall with steps as heavy as punch drunk. Between his fingers held tough and rough hair of Ana, a broken toy, the doll was unseated.
on the floor behind him, were the dreams become dark slimy trails. Reached the bathroom and raised the head to attach the strands with clumsy knots lumpy around the curtain rod shower. There
head hung and Hermann a dark and filthy mess.
Ana Del severed neck one drop.
Another drop. Another
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