How many shots are needed to steal a man's life? How many downloads require hatred and injustice to be satiated? In the case of Chilean singer Victor Jara, 44 missiles were received. An endless humiliation of man, speak of the executioners themselves, in their pursuit of pain beyond the death of the enemy that wanted to suffer the worst way and above any consideration. The horror. The terror.
It happened on September 15, 1973 in the Estadio Chile, sports center room transmuted into killers. The singer and theater director, author of letters The right to live in peace or Te recuerdo Amanda, had become a bitter enemy of the most reactionary right - do not it always? - And had done gala better than anyone else of that legend Woody Guthrie hit his guitar: This machine kills fascists . The elected president, Salvador Allende, Jara found in one of his top aides (because when society needs a change, the artists also must be involved), and so, when Pinochet and his men seized power, put their names at the top of the list.
A Allende committed suicide as . A Victor did go through hours of unspeakable torture, causing the tongue, grinding the toes with the butts of their rifles, in short, the weapons used to fight against fascism. But as someone said years before the imposition of violence is up, but not convinced. Thus, thirty-six years later, Victor Jara is continually remembered and honored, while the names of the perpetrators is masked with fear and shame.

Yes, no doubt, I am sure that the same people who applauded his death, today menearán head to read the news in the media, sigh and say, "Why not let the poor man rest in peace? What be gained by digging up the past? Why will not quiet as the dead? " Oops, I think that I have not left the Chilean accent. Maybe it's because I thought they were españolitos the speakers. Because, after all, there in Chile, and Spain, I believe that should be a lot of cynical and much son ... her parents, rest easy every night, with their dead either in roofs and peace, care less what happened to those thousands of dead and missing and their families.
Forgetting is never good, ever. It is important to remember, know, know. And then, with the truth in hand, is judged, he is pardoned, it is similar ... But you can not bury the past. Because one of these days we sit at the table the ghost of terrorism requires the dish of revenge.
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