At 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds of December 31, 2005, or when missing just one minute to 12 strokes of Eve, in the meridian of Greenwich is inserted an extra second before that the atomic clock dial the 0 hour January 1, 2006.
Correction is necessary to compensate for the Earth rotates slowly increasing, according to scientists at the University of Bonn. This measure will in practice the last minute of the year will have 61 seconds.
In Spain, due to the time difference with Greenwich, the extra second will be counted in 2006, at 0 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds on 1 January. And so, here we eat the grapes at the time and without delays, without realizing this change.
since 1972 have added a total of 32 seconds to correct this gap with the speed of rotation of the globe.
However, the correction of this year could be one of the last as it is considering changing the system and make it hit where it already accumulated many seconds. The article was published by Charles Martin in Novociencia.com
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