Crossword puzzles help keep the brain young
The crosswords and other mental stimulation exercises as the game "sudoku" improve memory and can help keep the brain up to fifteen years younger in persons over sixty. This has been proven
the Irish professor Ian Robertson has done several studies on brain activity with people of different age groups.
Robertson In their experiments found that the elderly, who are losing their memory, they can delay this process by activating the frontal lobes of cerebreo by memorizing and mental exercises and Sudoku or crosswords.
I think that this scientist is quite right because my grandmother who is 80 years ago daily crosswords and sudoku and his head is clear and is aware of everything. The scientist has also found that aerobic exercise training, and strengthen the lungs and heart, brain activity also benefits the power and mental agility.
is also important to follow a good diet. Foods rich in saturated fats accelerate the process of mental deterioration. Stress can be harmful.
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