Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Cell Parts Have Been Compared To Shoe

Your style and environment nexus

There was a time when Second Life was trendy. It had everything to seduce, but mostly novelty. The metaverse idea became reality. Magazines and newspapers published many notes on their effects and singularities. We are in another era (the time of the site are breathtaking) and the digital world continues to change. And it will continue while testing new ways of being in it.
If I love your style I know that this environment is still alive.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rhino Five Blueprints For Ratchet And Clank

T.: Is it part of the experience? I mean, learn to be in Second Life the more time we spend on software? I ask this because I am convinced that the uses of the Metaverse, our ways of living, have little to do with an intrinsic experience, part-time navigation. Conversely, I think the style is determined by our ways of imagining and fantasizing.
: Neither more nor less. On my return I am absolutely emphatic. I am interested only linker with fantasies close to mine. Yes, definitely be in Second Life is a game, while, as I said, seduce me that the rules are others.

T.: Looking for a kind of balance between RL and SL?

N.: is exactly the same as when we were kids and played at the pirates, astronauts, cowboys or whatever, was still in the real world, but otherwise. We kept being ourselves, in fact did not lose consciousness of our environment, but relaxed at in relation to the impositions of the environment.

still here.

Image Nur_Moo

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Once In A Blue Moon Takashi

Reinventing Avatar Clean

Second Life is still there for me everyday is exactly where your expands to reach my dreams. And vice versa. For some reason, our software everyday and our dreams software are similar. At this junction we are, at this intersection are right for each other. You make me feel exactly how I want.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Computer Armoire Inexpensive

As if this world had been reset several times. I refer not only to software but wishes to live there. Every time I needed to understand better "clean", as if it were a drug. Clean presences, absences, misunderstandings, low intensities. I needed to recover the astonishment.
No doubt this is the best.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jc Penney Salon Chi Hair Straightener

no doubt that was the worst calculation I made in my life. I was confused by no less than 1500 days. However I have a feeling that has been more than five years.
Anyway, I'm back.
My second Second Life?
My third second life?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saddleright Pad For Sale

miscalculation Destination Avatar

Erase an avatar? "Cryogenic? It's something that we wonder when our experience in Second Life reaches the limit. A limit: everyone knows theirs. The weariness, boredom, fatigue, the feeling of having completed a cycle. Does not exclude the mental health (without exaggeration). Everyone gets involved with the metaverse in a different way. The truth is that when we know that we are interested in an avatar that no longer exists or is paralyzed (nobody uses it, no connection) a strange feeling overcomes us. Challenges us the question of what we do here. For months I'm cryogenic, not entering Second Life. In recent days I decided to take a turn, not with the intention of returning, but only a few minutes walk. And I feel really weird.
And yes, I also feel nostalgia.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Old Is Andi Sue Irwin

mental state

mid March, I went. Napoleon left my ship in Second Life. Yesterday I returned for a while. I can not even properly use the new program. Is there someone of my old friends? Only been months, and return it almost like starting from scratch. Especially mentally. The metaverse is primarily a mental state that I was unaccustomed.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Jazzy 1113 Wire Diagram

Off Second Life

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spreading Herpes From Nose To

you soon

Time is relative. Have I been a long time, too, little, not in Second Life?
A cycle has been completed.
Thank you all. We'll see when the time comes.
Neither before nor after.
But not soon.
Although what is soon or too much?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sub Floor For Aluiminium Boats


My time in Second Life is running out. Is a decision that goes beyond the state of mind which can be attached. It's part of my philosophy.
My dear friend and partner Dolcemare helped me clarify some points in my decision.
The result is this dialogue.

Dolcemare: Why not think about every avatar in terms of time? We know, the perception of time in the metaverse is different. A week in Second Life is, in terms of interaction with the context, much more than a week within a unplugged . What if we wonder how long we retain an avatar and the amount of information that accumulates?

Napoleon The first fallacy is to believe that Second Life has a homogeneous time. False. Depending on your trip, what you're planning as staying in this digital world. If you are a explore lands to be just hanging around digital space, temporal perception is very different if it interacts with other avatars of cultural appetites.

still here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Zoe Hair Straightener

avatar cryonics I

What will happen to Second Life in three, four, five years? When I met the metaverse, it was very different. Also I was. And one of my hobbies was to test these changes, observing me, in my memory in so many lands that were fading in the years that went faster than in RL, so many residents who decided to make their avatar in a simple name frozen.
Exactly what I do. Very soon.
I be the first Disney metaverse?
dream return to digital when Napoleon is the most outdated of the avatars.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Water Bearded Dragon Ears


The Metaverse is trivial if you decide that it is banal.
is deep and elegant if you decide to be so.
is important in your life (physical or digital) if you allow yourself to feel that way.
It's like anything. If you decide that your life is stupid or pure hobby, thus you will live.
If you understand that is a fabulous experience, so you can live it.
The Metaverse is what you are.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Peace Sign Themed Room

For more

Again and again I wondered why Second Life did not stop. The fatigue you feel, no one denies. Is a long time in the metaverse and feel the wear. His "toxic." We tried several times and here we are ... We learned to reset our minds, our desires, our interests ... Here I am and not again. Is the same. Second Life is part of my RL life, a part that important. Why? No idea. It's an addiction I do not think change.
I am, always.
Although not see me.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why Do Dogs Pop Their Lips?

Double Planet

Dolcemare: Generations were formatted into believing the body binomial / Spirit. Avatars somehow complicate the situation: if we accept a pair is between digital body and physical body.

Napoleon No one moves to another.

D.: In any case we are learning the advantages and disadvantages of having a parallel digital body: it is our key to interrelate when any metaverse.

N.: The perception is another, that's the bet. Actually, if you spend many hours in a digital context, some of the outside perception it is changed. Some days I walk down the street and I have the feeling of being Napoleon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pope-gosser China Labella


As avatar, I'm old. Check my contact list: Most of those who were my partners and friends and not connected or too little, and that it is a small list. The more I hallucinated sites no longer exist. Geographies and environments are just left in the emotional memory. How fast renewing contexts and identities in the Metaverse?
More than you think. "Tired? "Disappointment?
¿Modificaciones en tu RL?
¿Cuánto durarán estas coordenadas que hoy me sostienen?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spells That Turn You Into A Wolf

Es algo que adoro: los cambios están, claro que sí. Pero los ojos apenas lo descubren. El Metaverso y el mundo físico se parecen mucho más de lo que muchos están dispuestos a aceptar. Esta vez es mi vida por fuera de la virtualidad la que transformó mi vida virtual.
Dos aspectos de lo mismo, sin embargo tan diferentes.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Party Supplies Nerf Gun

Experience History So yours

Los avatares parecen no dar cuenta del paso del tiempo. Pero siempre lo hacen, más sutilmente que nuestros cuerpos físicos. Cada which accumulates many stories, feelings, complicity and silence. During all these years I accumulated images. Hundreds. I think it's time to share. Each tells a story, a chapter, an emotion. There are also texts, I keep writing, which not public. Those who keep what I love most of my time in the metaverse.
The truth is that we have so many stories, but one.
to choose from.
The one we choose.