the great day. It's over. I dissociated. On Monday, about eight and a half or a quarter to nine pm, I sent an email to my editor with the final edition of the novel. I have read, reread, analyzed by parties, rewritten situations and characters, changed some names ...
The last straw was a week ago Monday when 28 I considered finished work, I went to take a shower and went half hysterical after realizing the need to include a new chapter that would allow me to give something more than a character crucial entity that had been too loose in the frame. And that I took the next seven days.
But today I can breathe easy. Or almost. Because now comes the long wait. The choice of cover, the overall tone with which the work will be presented ... Many details, exciting all of them, facing the final release, I say, will be in October. Four mesecillos of anything that happens in a sigh ... eternal.
I'm terribly excited about the fact that over the novel. Excited and terrified, as the child who runs out of time to review and, about to give it to the teacher, he regrets everything written and wish I could start again. Luckily, the enthusiastic comments of so many good friends who have read the book, I do have some more faith in that, at least, is an entertaining book and decent bill. To meet these two keys I more than satisfied.
And anyone taking a wrong impression: I was looking forward to sharing this great moment with you. Gridding in the novel I started in January 2008, the di terminated in June of that year, and thereafter, while starting with a new project, started successive readings and corrections. After such a long process, it is clear that I wanted to share with the regulars of this blog the completion of work. Moreover, even walking preparing a naive literary game-film: to provide the images of those actors that I have served as a block of modeling clay from them to the various characters in the story.
But Tuesday, I hump the invention. Sempie walked and had lunch with MJ and soon began to feel sick. A playful sprite, terribly fat, I pressed his chest and would not let me breathe. At first we did not know what to chalk it. A feast will play tricks to anyone. But back home, the pressure did not cease, and difficulty breathing remained normal. Ironically, on TV, Tony Soprano fainted in the middle of a party as a result of an anxiety attack.
Luckily, I fainted. I write this entry from home, because I will work from here for a couple of days, that's when I can relax and make sure so I walked away once and for all around me at that chubby elf returned again yesterday to use my chest as bed elastic.
mother said that there is only one, and I have the luck that was to touch me. The poor, like my father, took a good sustillo. But as always, your emergency indications were like a charm. And of course, there was my "other" mother, that is, of sempie, thanks to both, the thing has gone from shock. My mother and I have spoken on occasion, but that of sempie think not. It is a woman so multifaceted, brilliant in his role as a doctor, I served as an advisor for books that saves my life and in her role as mother, I croquettes are prepared to lick ...
If I go back to make sense of this ridiculous idea, and hang the photo montage which was working on the characters in the novel. I would also like to return the trailer-book I started weeks ago to prepare y. .. In short, I do many things, but on Tuesday a tad scared me. It was nothing, nonsense, but returned to make me reflect on how little we end up with real control over our lives. Sometimes there are things we do, and others who do not want to do, but end up acting against our will because we are obliged to, because there is no choice. Because there is a mortgage, a contract, a commitment ... And that sucks. Moreover, is a big shit!
That will burst the back door lock (understatement) to all those who have just overwhelmed, subdued and forced to coin phrases like "we must take the life with more calm. "For life, in fact, should always be that way: quiet, peaceful, bucolic, with some fiestecilla from time to time. So at least I try to catch me for a few days here, on the other side the River and into the trees, reading widely, thinking little and with the saber jedi on hand in case you hear about the goblin fatso.
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