The Lord Fader beats catching
Well .... the truth is I've been a bit away from the blog for many reasons .... and now The Vera as there are many who tell me they really warmly and thank them ... because it shows that have taken the time to read the blog the last time ... will catch up with you. It has taken me to start writing again because I did not know where to start, since that things have happened .... if, if ... else such that there are people wondering ... "Lord Fader is on the radio yet?" and well .. if it still exists in the radio show, what happens is that the fader that you know some time ago received word to step forward and take on new responsibilities within the radio show. Well this is how my job in radio controls was assumed to whom we affectionately "The Ruman show" or better known as Christina Alvarez, maybe not so named on the radio for now but a great value. Well his good friend Fader has taken a position in music programming and radio and told them to give as a step forward and I feel very proud and very agadecido supuestto the trust of those I named in this new post, so gentlemen, Fader still in the race and has not left and I hope you to me either. Fader now because time is lost, maybe because he needed time reflect on how all things happened as they say, good things like this promotion, sad things like death of a suicide victim premium 1 month ago (a kiss paty), special things like DJing again at some parties with old melipilla Oscar Nunez and friends like Sergio Ramirez, and lately I've been thinking how to rewrite and I think doing it this way is a good alternative. I want to give thanks to all those who asked me about what happened with Lord Fader, such as Cameo, the shidi, etc. Now I'm back and I hope people keep writing as I always read, wanting to read about history as a live radio watched from the other side of the glass, and how you want to be part of us, who work in radio. Greetings.
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