Monday, January 25, 2010

Why Do Dogs Pop Their Lips?

Double Planet

Dolcemare: Generations were formatted into believing the body binomial / Spirit. Avatars somehow complicate the situation: if we accept a pair is between digital body and physical body.

Napoleon No one moves to another.

D.: In any case we are learning the advantages and disadvantages of having a parallel digital body: it is our key to interrelate when any metaverse.

N.: The perception is another, that's the bet. Actually, if you spend many hours in a digital context, some of the outside perception it is changed. Some days I walk down the street and I have the feeling of being Napoleon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pope-gosser China Labella


As avatar, I'm old. Check my contact list: Most of those who were my partners and friends and not connected or too little, and that it is a small list. The more I hallucinated sites no longer exist. Geographies and environments are just left in the emotional memory. How fast renewing contexts and identities in the Metaverse?
More than you think. "Tired? "Disappointment?
¿Modificaciones en tu RL?
¿Cuánto durarán estas coordenadas que hoy me sostienen?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spells That Turn You Into A Wolf

Es algo que adoro: los cambios están, claro que sí. Pero los ojos apenas lo descubren. El Metaverso y el mundo físico se parecen mucho más de lo que muchos están dispuestos a aceptar. Esta vez es mi vida por fuera de la virtualidad la que transformó mi vida virtual.
Dos aspectos de lo mismo, sin embargo tan diferentes.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Party Supplies Nerf Gun

Experience History So yours

Los avatares parecen no dar cuenta del paso del tiempo. Pero siempre lo hacen, más sutilmente que nuestros cuerpos físicos. Cada which accumulates many stories, feelings, complicity and silence. During all these years I accumulated images. Hundreds. I think it's time to share. Each tells a story, a chapter, an emotion. There are also texts, I keep writing, which not public. Those who keep what I love most of my time in the metaverse.
The truth is that we have so many stories, but one.
to choose from.
The one we choose.